Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tonight's the (Last) Night - Let's (Learning) Party!

It's strictly for financial reasons on the part of the Pit. What're you gonna do.

I'll tell you what we're gonna do: We're gonna have one great last Thursday Drop-In class together! Email me today if there's anything you especially want to do, and we'll do it.

Other than that, we're gonna hit favorite exercises, def get some Intervals in there, and probably make up an exercise or two on the spot, as has been the norm.

I've come up with a brand new kind of Intervals that any TDI veterans (or adventurous newcomers) will be welcome to try. It's badass.

This class has truly been a highlight of my year, and of my improv life so far. Thanks to all of you for being a part of it, and I'd truly love to see every one of you tonight.

The more we get, the more I'll adjust the exercises to keep people on their feet as much as possible and on their chairs as little as possible.

Let's rock it out.

Can't wait!

Your pal,

P.S. --This here below is now my new favorite video ever. And appropriate for tonight!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tomorrow - The Rumors Are True: It's our last class

Sad but True

For financial reasons, the Pit's cancelilng the weekdcay Drop-In classes for the foreseeable future.

It makes me very sad, but I'm thrilled that we at least get one more class. That's this Thursday.

C'mon out, and work with me in here one last time.

I'll write more later.

It's been, truly, a party while it's lasted.

Let's party one more time!

Your pal,

Friday, October 23, 2009

That Was Awesome: "100 points for naming her "Cabinet"

Kickass dudes - including two eager returners from last week, and one brought in by major glowing recommendations from one of the returners.

We had a really great time, I think. People had specific stuff in mind to work on, and I think we got to all of it, at least a little.

I'll say this: Three and Four-person classes may not be sustainable from a business point of view. But while they last, wow, I think they're great for the people involved. You get so much individual attention, and so many more times on stage than you do in your normal team rehearsal, or 18-person class.

And we're doing 3 hours, at that!

I really believe this class is worth perpetuating. If you think so too (or feel like it's something you want to check out sometime or other), I urge you to come out sooner rather than later. Big numbers now will help carry us through any lean weeks in the future.

The lean weeks are great, they truly are. But we need some bigger weeks to keep it worth the theater's while to keep us going.

Why did this get depressing? It's the weatheroutside today, I bet.

Last night was awesome. Everyone was game as hell, and we got to do the unprecedented combo of Solo Intervals followed by Pairs Intervals. All three guys loved it.

It's seriously such a huge joy for me to get to introduce the stuff I love in improv to people, and to see them see the beauty in so much of what we do.

Also, one guy had an iPhone, so we were able to check the Yankees scores during the break.

Thanks for another great week, you guys. I hope to see you (and all the rest of you!) and your friends in the next few weeks to come.


Stuff we did included:

Word Smash
-With asides
Turn Out
Emotion Chairs
Son of a bitch
This is Bullshit
Raw Intervals
Pairs Intervals

Notes I took included:

100 points for naming her "Cabinet"
Gender confusions
W/ the fuckin Krinkles
I love the long ones b/c the change!
"yesterday, today, and the day before"
Yay! not sefl-conscious [sic]

I find I'm taking less notes every week. Maybe that's me growing to trust my short-term memory more, as I get comfortable teaching. I don't think it's laziness...

See you soon!

Your pal,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Punch cards! $5 off for PIT students!

Big News!

Two new promotions to make Drop-In classes (especially the Thursday...) an even better economical choice:

1.) The Punch Card: Just like at the sub sandwich shop -- come to 9 Drop-In classes (any combination of days), and the 10th class is free!

2.) PIT Student Discount If you're a current student at the PIT, just show your PIT student ID at the desk when you pay and you get $5 off the (already 50% off regular levels') price of your drop-in, every time.

We Drop-In teachers have been pushing hard for these from day one, and are thrilled they're getting implemented.

If this makes it possible for you to come to more drop-ins than you could before, that's fantastic. If those added classes are all mine -- Better Still.

Hope to see you soon, punch-card in hand!

Your pal,

Tonight's the Night: Week 6 - Pimp Away!

Good lord, that's garish. BUT, it does accidentally touch on my point - which is not original at all, but true, so we're gonna work with it: Pimping, in improv, is not a crime.

Now, there's an important distinction to make between true, bad pimping, and "giving gifts", which is a wonderful, helpful move that too often gets lumped in with pimping.

Now here's the secret: Even the bad pimping isn't bad. Certainly not when you know your partner.

Anyhow, that's the definite item on the agenda tonight - Fun with Pimpin'.

I'm also looking at some more Whispered Secrets, since that went so well last week, and maybe some more Holiday Gift Exchange, Basement/Unbasement, Open Crossing, and, of course, Intervals.

Haven't come to my class yet, and are wondering what the hell those things are? Well, roughly translated they boil down to: Awesome, Awesome, Kickass, Fantastic, Fun as Balls, and Incredible. Hope that helps.

7-10, tonight, Simple Studios on 29th, $20, come on out!

N.B.: Actual pimps are very bad people.

Hope to see you there!

Your pal,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thinking about Pimping

I'm thinking this week we'll do some work on pimping, the sin that isn't. Also known as giving gifts.

But "giving gifts" gets such less interesting Google Image results:


Friday, October 16, 2009

That was Awesome - Week 5: Rain Schmain


Sure, it rained all day and never really did stop at all. I feared the worst.

I shouldn't have worried.

We had 4 intrepid souls say screw the rain and make their way to us, and we had a great time. It was an international crowd - 1 from Holland, 1 from Russia, 1 with a very Greek name, and 1 from the Bronx. Which I believe is in central Asia.

It was a really, really good time. As promised, we did the silent exercise I'd planned, and wouldn't you know it, these awesome folks started working in awesome, seamless use of silence where appropriate throughout the next exercise we did too. It made a definite difference.

At a student's request, we also hit specificity nice and hard, playing one round of "I've got the Motts" and then transforming it in the next round into "Christmas Gift Exchange", which was an absolute blast. Just hysterical, which it wasn't even really intended to be. Learned something valuable on that one, I did.

We also got to try out the long-rumored, never-before-seen Pairs Intervals -- and they were great. A very different experience from solo Intervals - and it was observably enjoyed by all.

All in all, a fantastic week. And no one seemed put out in the least about the slight emergency time change, so I guess I was making too big a deal out of it. Sorry bout that.

Stuff we did included:
One Word Story
Word Smash (Thor-style)
Open Crossing
basic scenes:
I Got the Motts
Christmas Gift Exchange
Silence scenes
Whispered Secrets
Pairs Intervals

Notes I took included:
Time to shuck the oysters
great strategy in a pinch
very nice
beautiful pimpin
+ yay accept gifts
wonderful instincts <-> have an opinion
present it to him

Another awesome one. Can't wait for next week. Thanks to everyone who came out, you all did really good work.

See you soon, I hope!

Your pal,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Alert! We're Starting at 7:30 tonight (venue's fault)

Yo! I just got the call from Simple Studios -- they goofed on some booking issue. Long story short: We're going to start at 7:30 tonight.

I'll still be there at 7:00, since I figure some of you guys will. It'll be a nice chance to chat a bit, I hope. We can still go til 10:30, thus getting in our full 3hours -- but we'll play it by ear, since I know leaving promptly at 10 can make a difference for those with travel or other types of plans.

Sorry about this, friends. They'll get an earful from me. Nobody messes with my class and gets away with it!

See you at 7:30! Or 7! Or, hell, 9:45! (please try not to come at 9:45)

Your slightly exasperated pal,

Tonight's The Night!: Week Five- Gettin' Silent

I'm on the run, but just want to confirm that we're gonna rock one of my favorite exercises tonight - nice and simple, just some scenes with a lot of silence. We'll also do some Open Crossing, maybe some emotion chairs and/or Basement/Unbasement, and intervals, sweet intervals, in one configuration or another, depending on turnout.

We had a record-breaking turnout last week, which makes this a big night. Am I expecting 10 again? I'm expecting awesome again.

Come on out! $20, 7-10, Simple Studios. Get freaky. Or classy. Or whatever your gut wants you to do.

I love this class.

Your pal,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tomorrow: Week Five - we get to silence

All right!

Week five is tomorrow, and among other stuff we're gonna make good on the part of my class description that says "exercises involving... silence".


Easy, Eddie. You can talk all you want.

Your pal,

Friday, October 9, 2009

That was Awesome - Week 4 Blows the Roof Off

Holy macaroni!

Last night was fantastic. The.. burbly durbly. It ruled. 10 people - beating the previous record by a margin large enough that the margin itself would beat the previous record.

The margin between the margin and the previous record would itself be large enough to beat the previous record.

Free gin awesome.

And hoo, boy, they were game as could be.

Stuff we did included:
Rubbing the google (copyright Kevin Scott)
Slap Daggers
Word Smash (Thor-style)
Open Crossing
This is Bullshit
Emotion Chairs
Raw Intervals

Notes I wrote included:
Very realistic w/ the One sided dialogue then appropriate
& varied degrees
The Birth of Fred Schneider!!!
Bruce Lee & Bruce Willis

Everyone stretched themselves in one or more of these exercises, and a lot of truly spontaneous, unplanned, surprises, and dynamic work ensued.
I really felt like I got to see people getting in touch with their instincts -- and even better, people letting go of that "outside eye" that we improvisers use to evaluate everything we do while we're doing it.

I'm proud to have helped this class to happen.

Now, jumping from 3 awesome people last week to 10 awesome people this week was a big adjustment, and there are a couple of adjustments still to be made. I'm going to break up the Intervals to make sure no one has to sit too long, and definitely reduce the time we spend on warmups to 15 minutes or less.

Please, anyone who's taken this class or who is thinking about checking it out, don't hesitate to drop me a line here, on facebook, or at my email, with your questions, concerns, suggestions, threats, or recipe requests. I'm good with eggs and meats.

Thanks to everyone for coming out, and I hope to see you (and you) next time.


Your pal,

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tonight's the Night -- Week Four

Yep yep yep, tonight's the night, week four of Thursday drop-in. I'm pretty goddamn excited. Maybe not... sexually excited like Mr. Courtin (Courtin' indeed!), but very excited.

Last week was such a blast for everybody, and they're all planning to come back and are gonna try to bring friends who they think could use it.

Want to add yourself to that number?

Do it.

Doooooo it.

For real.

We're gonna keep on jumping tonight, as I continue to refine my methods for getting you out of your head and fully open and on the stage with no plans whatsoever. It really worked well last week.

If you want more surprises per show, come work with us.

I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so.. I'm so... scared?

7:00! Simple Studios! Wahoo!

Your pal,

Friday, October 2, 2009

That Was Awesome -- Week Three Made Me Happy

Well well well! How the pendulum has swung! Last night was really great. 3 awesome people came out, and we worked our asses off.
They were each game as hell and threw themselves into everything we did; and let me tell you, they really made beautiful work out of every bit of it. Each of them spent at least one exercise working on stuff that is a challenge for him/her. Everyone stretched themselves, and everyone got into the flow of things and starting having stuff bubble up out of themselves whose origin they couldn't really identify.
Which is the main point of this class.
So Kudos!! To Ann, Athos, and Patrick. You guys did really, really good work yesterday.
And also left me really, really happy.

Stuff we did included:
Word smash, Thor-style
Phone tag
Open crossing
Emotion chairs
And a glorious hour of Raw Intervals

Notes I wrote included:
No real reason to do it
ah well, we're learning to teach
30s scene
Chinese takeout
cocktail cabinet
awe- can b + or -
jealous is not peevish
Silence to be used
Filter - Apply it to multiple things
Allow it to ⇑⇓ in intensity
Yay! Being oblique - nice
Neat! jovial-faced suspicion
eat! two-person scene of all asides
Crisper transitions
Falafels that's your right in the intervals
swirl -- spiral!
(Bus stop)
that just happened
Intervals can go dark
No need ever be funny
+ NEW RULE whoever goes 1st gets to go again at the end
Able to twist OK!!! this does that to you now
Hand car -- in head at 28
3 towns so organic!

Seriously, this class was frigging great last night. It was an awful lot like my fondest dreams of how this class can go.
You three, come back. And you who haven't come yet, or haven't made it back, come on out. The Thursday drop-in is getting better and better.

Your pal,

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tonight's the Night! Week Three!

No time to type much -- gotta run out the door. But tonight's gonna be awsome, I can feel it.

I bought a stopwatch, man, no kidding.

This shit just got real.

I hope to see you there!

Your pal,